Certifying Farms on Vancouver Island
and Surrounding Islands since 1990
How to Become Certified Organic
Click here
to learn more about
what it takes to get certified.
IOPA Member Area
Click here
to find information on
Renewing, AGM, Downloading Forms, Fees and helpful links
Find a local organic product

What does the term ‘Organic’ really mean, now that it is regulated in BC?
You can be confident that when you purchase Organic products in BC, they have been monitored and inspected from seed to sale to ensure a healthy product for you and your family.

Our Associate Member Sponsors
We would like to thank all our sponsors for their support of Local and Organic.
Associate member funding helps bring Organic Management education and workshops to the Public as well as to New and Existing IOPA Members.
Please visit their businesses to find organic products and supplies for the organic industry.
Jodie Butler
250 710 4788
Mailing Address:
2238 Forrest Rd
Duncan, BC
V9L 6M1